Promote Inclusiveness and Equality Through Sports

We are partnering with non-profit organizations and soccer clubs in USA, South Africa and India who will help us support our mission. They need our assistance in the following:

  • Help remove gender barriers in sports by sponsoring awareness camps to educate certain sections of the society about promoting girls’ participation in sports
  • Help create conducive and safe environments to play (provide safe field access, provide soccer gear to every child, introduce special soccer programs for girl children in their schools, provide sponsorship assistance to girl teams that cannot participate in several competitive leagues due to monetary constraints)

Why should you volunteer?

  • Give back to the community- be the change you wish to see in the world.
  • Excellent opportunity to develop leadership skills. 
  • You will gain work experience and acquire new skills
  • Volunteer work relies on collaboration and teamwork and allows you to work with people of different backgrounds

Who do we need?

We are seeking high school and middle school students for following positions: Partnership Manager, Social Media Strategist, Communications Officer, Finance Manager, Program Managers, Community outreach officers

How can you help?

  • Run our donation drives for our partner organizations (collecting financial donations/ soccer gear/equipment donations).
  • We need volunteers to help us maintain our website and other social media accounts.
  • We need volunteers who can help run our monthly board meetings.
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